Музей космонавтики
- Opening hours
- Mon Closed
- Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 10:00 — 19:00
- Thu, Sat 10:00 — 21:00
An interactive sculpture with two performers will walk traversing the grounds of the Museum of Cosmonantics, the Academician Sergei Korolev House Museum and other space locations in the area, until their wearable sculptures are diminished by giving away the mirrored buttons (one at a time) to the public. The buttons are given in trade for each individuals’ photograph and a recorded answer to a question about space travel and migration that is asked by the performers.
Each garment begins by being entirely covered with thousands of mirrored buttons (like campaign buttons). Each button is 1’’ in diameter, handmade, with silver reflective mylar. The buttons reflect the environment and public as the performers walk. After the walk, the hundreds of digital photos collected by the performers are made into black and white “portrait” buttons, and are attached to the garment sculptures — replacing the open areas on the garments where the mirrored buttons once were.
Then, the walk is performed again, with the transformed sculpture garments covered in hundreds of black and white portraits of all those who interacted with the work.
The second performance walk is also accompanied by an audio remix of the publics recorded answers to the space travel and migration question asked of them — reassembling the community and their thoughts on space travel and migration onto the wearable sculpture. The public performance will occur at scheduled times from October 6 to October 9. The final version of the sculpture garments covered in portraits will be given to the Museum of Cosmonautics as a gift.
The Space Week schedule in the museum
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